St. Francis School News – September 13, 2019

Playground Duty: Unless a family has opted out online with enrollment, please look on the back of the lunch menu for your day to supervise the playground.  If you cannot do your scheduled playground duty, please call the school immediately and send in your $10.00 sub fee.  If you want to opt out for your 10 service hours for the year, please send in your $100.00 fee to the school office.  Any questions, please call Judy at 222-4077.

Health Records:  Kindergarten, 2nd graders (Dental only), and 6th graders –all health records must be uploaded no later than Sept 1st. In accordance with IL state law, all health records must be on file.  If records are NOT turned/ scanned in by Oct. 1st, your student may not attend school until completed.  If your child has an appointment please let the office know asap. Thank you.

Free or Reduced Lunch Applications:  If you have would like information on this application, please call the school office at 222-4077.  Each family should have received an application for this school year.  If you qualify, this also includes our new breakfast program.

SMART ART CLUB: This after school program on Wednesdays is being offered again.  If you child is interested in this great opportunity, please call the Quincy Art Center at 223-5900 and ask for Kayla.  The first class will be on Sept. 25th.

PTO GARAGE SALE: Saturday, Sept. 21st from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Rent a space to sell your items for $25.00. There will be 53 spots available. No admission fee to shop.  Vendors welcome! For more information to reserve a spot please email [email protected] .

School Pictures

Tuesday, September 17 students Preschool 4 to 8th grade will have pictures taken for the yearbook, lunch cards etc. Students may wear out of dress code shirts with dress code bottoms. Girls may wear modest dresses or skirts. No jeans are permitted.

If you wish to order, the form is coming home soon.  Each child with a photo order must have an individual envelope with payment enclosed. In other words, this means you CAN’T write one check for photos for all children in the family and place it in a single envelope.

You may choose to order online. Go to: . Enter code: EVT4Z2S34  The event is totally computerized, so your order pops up when your child’s name is entered at the time of the photo. There is a wider selection of options online than the paper order form.  Online purchases get a coupon for an 8×8 photo book and drawstring backpack from Shutterfly.

Substitute Teaching:   If you are interested in substitute teaching, please call the school office.  Requirements for subbing include: Protecting God’s Children, background check, finger prints, and a college degree. Any questions, please call the school office at 222-4077.

Tryouts for 5th and 6th grade boys ACES basketball teams will be held on the following dates and times at Q.N.D.:

5th grade: Monday, September 30, and Wednesday, October 2, from 7-8 pm

6th grade: Monday, September 30, and Wednesday, October 2, from 8-9 pm

ACES (Association of Catholic Elementary Schools) is the precursor of the IESA basketball program for 7th and 8th graders.  Most games are held on weekends beginning in late October/early November, and the season finishes in February in most years.  Boys will play games normally in Barry, Macomb, Galesburg, Quincy, and other locales .  Normally a season will consist of 25-30 games, with multiple games being played on the same day many times.Cost is $150 per child and is intended for those boys who currently plan to attend QND.  Please contact Tom VanderBor with any questions at [email protected].


Books on sale now for $12.00 each and are in color. These are sold separately or with yearbook photo packages. Order online at with ID code 13535220.  Order by December 20th.  Fliers were sent home last week.  Any questions, please call the school office.

Another bacon fundraiser. This time all proceeds are going to go directly to St Francis School PTO. This time we are going to do it a little differently.  I am taking pre-orders, but you’ll have to mail in your payment.  I’ve had too many in the past that have pre-ordered and did not pick it up. So this should help with that. Pickup will be at school, sometime by mid-September. I will have extra at the pickup for anyone who wants more, or wants to purchase some there. $10 per lb. again. Please email or text me for your pre-orders and I’ll message back privately with the address to mail your check. Help support PTO, this helps ALL of our kids and classrooms!!! We just handed out $2,100 worth of gift cards to the teachers this week. We need our families to support us so we can continue to do this! Shane McDermott.

Statement on Non-Discrimination

In accordance with the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois St. Francis Solanus School admits students of any race, color, sex, or national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally available to students.  Appropriateness of educational programs, students in good standing, and/or the availability of space may be legitimate factors affecting admissions.  A student’s enrollment status may be changed or discontinued at any time during the year, as determined by the Principal and the Pastor.  It is a privilege, not a right, to attend St. Francis School.  Transfer students must be in good standing as indicated on our records transfer form to continue enrollment. Furthermore, we do not discriminate against immigrant children lacking in legal status.

Catholic School does not discriminate against immigrant students lacking legal documentation/status, via Plyler v. Doe.

Lunch Bills: lunch account bills will be emailed monthly.  Please be sure to keep your account in a positive balance.



Sept: 17th:   Yearbook photo day


Sept. 20th :    Grandparent’s/ Special Person Day : Dismissal at 11:30 (no lunch)

Sept. 21st: PTO Garage Sale in the west lot (space to rent)

Sept. 22nd: FOUND Amazing Race event 6:30 -8:00 (7th & 8th grades) at St Peter

Sept. 24th:    All City Mass at QND (Hot lunch is a sack lunch see menu)

Wear Alex’s Wish shirt and dress code bottoms

Oct. 10 -11th: NO SCHOOL:  Quincy Conference