Extended Care
Before & After School Care
St. Francis Solanus School offers a comprehensive Before and After School Care program designed to meet the needs of our students and their working parents. This program provides homework assistance, socialization, and active recreation time in a safe, Christian atmosphere.
Available to St. Francis students, from 4-year-old Preschool through Eighth grade. The service is available all days school is in session.
Before School Care: 6:40 a.m. – 8:10 a.m.
After School Care: 3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Key Information:
1. Childcare Coordinators:
- Morning: Gary Stuckman supervises in the school library.
- Afternoon: Marsha Collins is the Childcare Coordinator in the cafeteria.
2. Supervision and Staffing:
- A supervisor over age 21 is required during childcare.
- Staff-to-child ratio: 1 worker for every 8 children, as per Springfield Diocese regulations.
- All childcare staff undergo background checks with fingerprinting and have completed required training for providing a safe environment for children.
3. Enrollment Fees:
- No enrollment fee for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Cost: $4.00 per hour per child.
4. Snack Fee:
- Effective August 15, 2024, there will be a $0.40 snack fee per day for each child attending after school care. Snacks are served at around 3:10 p.m.
- Students will have a choice of three different snacks and can drink from their water bottles.
5. Billing:
- Childcare bills must be paid monthly through FACTS. Failure to do so may result in suspension of childcare services until payment is made.
6. Eligibility:
- Morning Care: Preschool through eighth grade students who can manage their behavior with minimal assistance.
- Afternoon Care: All-day preschool through eighth grade students.
7. Activities Offered:
- Drawing, board games, building, coloring, reading, socializing, tabletop toys, crafts, homework, outdoor play, and gym use (weather permitting).
8. Behavior Expectations:
- Students must follow school rules and treat childcare supervisors and workers with respect. Attending childcare is a privilege.
9. Prohibited Items:
- No trading cards (e.g., Pokémon, sports).
- Chromebooks are for schoolwork only; no electronic tablets, e-watches, phones, or recreational internet use allowed.
10. Early Dismissal Days:
- Childcare services are not available on early dismissal days.
Example Childcare Billing:
Student A: Attends from 3:00-3:30 p.m. three days a week.
$4.00 per hour = $2.00 for 30 minutes
$2.00 x 3 days = $6.00
$0.40 snack fee x 3 days = $1.20
Total weekly bill: $7.20
Student B: Attends from 3:00-5:30 p.m. five days a week.
$4.00 per hour x 2.5 hours = $10.00 per day
$10.00 x 5 days = $50.00
$0.40 snack fee x 5 days = $2.00
Total weekly bill: $52.00
We hope that our school childcare program eases some of the concerns of working parents by providing a safe and happy environment for their children.