Religious Education
Embracing Faith and Service: Experience Christ-Centered Academics and Personal Growth at St. Francis Solanus School
Providing a Christ-centered academic environment is at the core of our mission at St. Francis Solanus School. As such, we strive to provide a positive environment where students, faculty, and staff are given the opportunity to live our Catholic faith each day.
The children are instructed and prepared for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation. Confirmation is administered by the Bishop each year. Retreats and special meetings are scheduled for students preparing for these sacraments. Additionally, 8th grade students are required to complete a requested number of service hours for Confirmation.
Our school participates actively in projects throughout the year to help the sick and poor. Service to others is a part of our religion curriculum. Teachers develop various projects for both the parish and the community.
We believe in...
- Love for God and His church
- Christian ideals and virtues
- Participation in the Liturgy
- Scripture and Prayer
- Preparation for the reception of the Sacraments
- Christian community and love for others
- Devotion to Mary and the saints
How we live our Catholic faith…
- Our Parish Priests are involved in weekly religious education in our classrooms
- Students in kindergarten through 8th grade attend Mass weekly and are actively involved in the preparation of these liturgies
- Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation takes place in the 2nd grade
- Sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation (Restored Order) takes place in the 3rd grade.
- Altar service and training begins for both boys and girls in the 5th grade
- Advent, Lenten, and Rosary services take place in accordance with the church calendar
- Catholic Schools Week is celebrated annually
By investing our time, talents, and treasures in our students, we can provide them the opportunity to become future leaders, molded in the teachings of Christ.