From Our Pastor: 3rd Sunday of Easter
This weekend’s Gospel seems like a repeat. It kind of is, but it’s from Luke’s perspective. The encounter with the risen Christ, bringing us his peace. It’s an end to the Emmaus story and a recounting of Jesus explaining the scriptures more to the apostles and all their fulfillment. In the Acts of the Apostles this weekend, I think the important thing is not only the proclamation of the gospel, but the calling to conversion. Once we’ve encountered the risen Christ, we need to bring about a conversion of heart to make his our own. We continue to be called to be witnesses to all these things Christ has done.
Starting this weekend at the 11 o’clock mass, the precious blood will be offered. We don’t need any more communion ministers, but the two that stand along the pew will stand along the corner of the sanctuary to distribute the precious blood.
Also at all of the masses from now on the extraordinary ministers of holy communion won’t stand behind the altar they will stand on the presiders chair side of the altar. This makes it easier to see if we have enough communion ministers without always having to turn around. When you’re done distributing communion, you’ll return to that location until the ciborium is placed back in the tabernacle, then you may be seated. This will also come out in a letter to the Eucharistic ministers soon.
Also, parish council has requested that I remind everyone that as the warmer months approach to make sure we remember the solemnity of what we are attending in consideration of our Mass attire. We should look like we are going to an important dinner with the king of the universe not dressed for a party or the pool. Most especially if you are reading or ushering or being an Extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. Please dress appropriately for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass especially if you have a specific role of any sort in the liturgy. More info will be going out to all ministers of any sort for Mass soon. We are keeping with the dress code and policy of dress of my predecessors, Fr. Don and Fr. Bob, in what they put out. Parish council members are asking you to please be cognizant of the reverence Mass should entail.
Please pray for our confirmation candidates as they prepare for their confirmation and first communion April 20 at the Cathedral in Springfield. How very exciting of a moment in these students lives.
Lastly, this weekend on Friday evening, April 12, we had 4 men ordained to the diaconate. We ordained 3 transitional deacons and 1 permanent deacon. How very exciting for our Diocese! Please pray for them as they begin their ministry! May God bless them.
- Rev. Steven Arisman