You’re Invited to Women’s Saints Study!
Women of all ages: Did you know that we meet once a month from 7-9 p.m. with a guest speaker who covers a different saint each month, followed by book study.
Now is the time to join as we begin our new book. You also are welcome to come for the speaker only.
Join us Tuesday, August 29 at 7 p.m. in the parish center for a casual review of the Mother Angelica presentation from last year with Sarah Venvertloh. Mother Angelica will be featured in our book Mother Angelica’s Guide to the Spiritual Life for the upcoming year. For help getting the book, or if you have questions, please contact Karen Weiman, 217-242-5513 or Kelli Lunt, 217-617-1566. Also, mark your calendars for the first speaker of the year, followed by book study on Tuesday, September 5 at 7 p.m. in the parish center. The guest speaker is Hope Glidewell, who will cover the Fall of Eve in the garden.
Please join us and invite friends!