Vacation Bible School Brings Jesus’ Message to Our Youngest Parishioners
For children, summer offers the ultimate break time from school. And even though the season means kids have a chance to “recharge” for the upcoming school year, it doesn’t mean they have to stop learning! During the summer at St. Francis Solanus, our youth have a chance to learn about their faith while having plenty of fun at Vacation Bible School (VBS)!
Each year, the week after Father’s Day is set aside for preschool to fifth-grade students to experience the joy and excitement of VBS in the Parish Center. The preschool and kindergarten programs run separately from the first to fifth grade, because the curriculum is a bit different. And, with the train theme “Rocky Railway — Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through,” students will experience stories and songs that relate to the Rocky Mountain Range.
“The goals of our VBS program are to plant the seeds of Jesus’ love into the hearts of our very youngest participants, while at the same time providing a witness of Jesus’ unending and unconditional love to our youth and adult volunteers”
“The goals of our VBS program are to plant the seeds of Jesus’ love into the hearts of our very youngest participants, while at the same time providing a witness of Jesus’ unending and unconditional love to our youth and adult volunteers,” says Wendy Steinkamp, who helps plan the VBS program for our parish.
In turn, as Wendy points out, the teen and adult volunteers usually end up being ministered to just as much as the VBS participants. Typically, there are 80 to 100 participants, along with 30 to 35 youth volunteers and 10 to 12 adults that serve the program.
During VBS, the kids move from station to station to learn the day’s Scripture, which falls under a theme. They have praise and worship music at the beginning and end of the session, play a game, participate in a Bible story, create an imagination station, watch videos of kids tackling faith themes and enjoy a snack. continued on back cover
Wendy enjoys watching the joy and enthusiasm when the kids are learning more about Jesus. She is also so thankful to all the volunteers who come back each year to assist with the very busy week. She says the program could not go on without people giving so generously of their time and talents. Also, she has seen several kids go on to help as volunteers and that is so rewarding to her.
“The children are so sweet and open to His message,” she says. “Also, through the years, it has been very rewarding to watch our volunteers who come back each year as they grow in their own faith.”
“The children are so sweet and open to His message,” she says. “Also, through the years, it has been very rewarding to watch our volunteers who come back each year as they grow in their own faith.”
Youth volunteers are asked to attend a couple of organizational and training meetings so that they are prepared to minister to the children. All adults 18 and over must have attended the “Protecting God’s Children” Safe Environment training. People who are interested in being a part of VBS as a volunteer may contact Wendy Steinkamp at 217-224-3949 or Mike Holbrook at 217-222-2898, ext. 108, for more information.