St. Francis School News – October 25, 2019

Parent / Teacher Conferences: parents are to sign up for student conferences per the link sent to them from their child’s teacher.  Please sign up as soon as possible.

Crazy Quarters Auction Items: Items are needed for this fun event.  All donations are asked to have a value of $15.00 or more.  If any local businesses donate two or more $15 items, you may set up a FREE

Vendor booth.  Auction bidders will likely be Christimas shopping.  This fun event will be held on Friday, Dec. 13th at 6:00 in the Parish Hall. 

Gym Class:  please make sure your child wears gym shoes or brings the appropriate shoes for P.E. This will keep your child safe and protects the gym floor. Thank you, Coach K.

BOOKFAIRKelly Wheeler, Scholastic Book Fair Chairperson, is seeking volunteers during the day and evening. The book fair is Nov. 4-7.  You may earn service hours for volunteering. Call or text Kelly at 217-779-8322 to volunteer

Playground Duty:

If you cannot make your scheduled day, please send in $10 to pay for the substitute that will cover the shift.  If you can switch with another parent for your shift, please call the office and let Judy know. Thank you for your cooperation.

The school store will be open again for holiday shopping starting Nov. 1-Nov 25 with delivery on Dec 18.  Great time to stock up on gifts and cold weather gear for students, siblings, parents, and grandparents.  Please use this link to log on and check out the merchandise available.  Contact Heather Bryan at 217-617-1162 or [email protected] with any questions.

QND Extravaganza – Get your Tickets Today!

The QND Extravaganza “Raider Luau” will be held on Saturday, November 23rd, 2019 at the Ambiance, 5225 Koch’s Lane.  Doors will open at 6:00 pm as well as the Silent Action will begin at 6:00 pm.  Dinner begins at 7:00 pm.  Enjoy an evening with dinner and drinks (both beer and wine) and both live and silent auction items to benefit QND.  The raffle grand prize is $3000.00 in cash, or 1 year QND tuition or 2 years Catholic grade school tuition.  Raffle tickets cost $50.00  Tickets for the event are $60.00 each if purchased through November 1st or $65.00 after this date.  Event tickets and raffle tickets are both available online at, in the Gene Grawe Office in the front of St. Peter’s Church, in the main office at QND, or by contacting Jeanne Anderson at [email protected].  Thanks to all of those who contribute their time, talent and treasures to this important event which benefits QND in a number of ways!

Box Tops App: Dear Parents and Friends of St. Francis School,

In over 20 years box tops have been in existence, we have received $33,841.00.  So far this year with the changes to scanning your receipts, we have earned $9.20 and I do not have a large amount of box tops to submit. If you have any box tops at home, please send them to school or in the collection at church by Oct. 25th. I have to cut and count to send in by Nov. 1st. If you have the new app, please scan your receipts within 14 days of purchase.  If you can’t get the app, please send your receipt copies and we will try to get someone to scan it. Thank you for helping St. Francis School.  Sincerely, Karen Kroeger


Oct. 27th: Trunk or Treat in the West parking lot at 6:00 p.m. (set up 5:30)

Oct. 29th: Family Dinner Project at 5:30.MUST have made a reservation to attend


Oct. 31st: Classroom parties at 2:00 – 3:00, jeans and Halloween shirt

Nov. 1st: All Saints’ Day: children’s Mass (instead of Oct. 30th)

Nov 7th: ½ day of School: Parent / Teacher conferences (with Bus service)

Nov. 8th: NO School: Parent / Teacher conferences