Monday, June 6 – Saturday, June 11 – Mass Changes
Apologies for the confusion, but all priests WILL indeed be away on retreat this week. The deacons will lead communion services at 6:30 a.m. Monday - Friday, but there will be no Masses, Confessions, or services at other times.
Monday, June 6 - Friday, June 10 - Priests Away On Retreat
This week we will not have daily Masses at all. With the three of us going on retreat with the priests of the diocese and no one being available to cover Masses, we will not have daily Masses. The originally scheduled Mass Intentions will be rescheduled. I know that this is hard, but with fewer priests the realization of not having people to cover is very real. Pray for more priests. I am sorry for this inconvenience. If plans change and I find a priest, I will let you know in the announcements of Mass, the parish Facebook page, the website, but most of all through a blast announcement on the parish app. Please download that app ASAP if you haven't as it is a great way to communicate last minute changes and information quickly.
The deacons will lead communion services M-F at 6:30 a.m., but nothing at 5:30 p.m. Know we will be praying for you, and please pray for all of us on retreat.
The Parish Office will have reduced hours the week of June 6-10. It will be open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30 to Noon and CLOSED ALL DAY Thursday and Friday.
Saturday, June 11 - Parish Picnic
Mass on Saturday, 6/11 is at 4:00 p.m. (not 4:30 p.m. as usual) due to the Parish Picnic.