St. Francis Ladies Card Party!
Thursday, September 5, 11-3. Doors open at 10:30. Cost is $10 per person and includes lunch and a chance for a door prize. Don Altgilbers will be preparing sloppy joes, baked beans, spring salad and peach cobbler.
To reserve your spot call Pat Winking at least four days before the party at 217-257-0416. Just one phone call per group, please.
You must call each month to reserve your table! Note: This year, instead of calling all ladies of the parish for a donation to help offset expenses for the card parties we are asking all women of the parish to send a $10 donation before each party (September, October, November). Place your name and telephone number in an envelope marked “Ladies Card Party” and drop it in the collection basket or mail/drop it off at the parish office. You will be added to the monthly drawing for a $25 Gene Grawe gift card. The card parties are a fundraiser as well as a social event, so thank you for your support!