From now until Thanksgiving the St. Francis Community Assistance Ministry will be collecting food items for the Food Nooks to show our appreciation to God for all the ways he has blessed us this past year. One of things we are most thankful for is the support that the parishioners show by donating items to the Food Pantry.
So, to participate in this Food Collection to show thanks to God, please consider donating the following items by bringing them to one of the Food Pantry containers at the entrances to church from now until Thanksgiving Day.
Items: Granola Bars, Pop Tarts, small containers of cereal, and small bags of snacks/chips. Small cans of soup, fruit, stew, meats, and fish. Cans of green beans, corn and other vegetables. Personal items, including: soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, wipes, wash cloths, gloves, and socks.