Full Tuition Newcomers Scholarship Available
FOR 2020-2021
The Catholic Elementary Schools Foundation is offering the Newcomers Scholarship to one kindergarten though eighth grade student attending St. Francis Solanus School for the 2020-2021 school year. The applicant must be the first child in the family to enroll at our school. No siblings may be current students. The student may be Catholic, or of another faith. The parent/guardian must download, complete and submit the application posted on the St. Francis Solanus Parish website https://stfracnissolanus.com. Please enter financial data in FACTS as part of the application process. The deadline to apply is now Wednesday, May 13. The name of the scholarship recipient will not be made public.
Questions about enrolling online at St. Francis Solanus School, or entering information in FACTS, etc., should be directed to Tabitha Surowiec, Enrollment Coordinator, at [email protected].
If you are not familiar with our school, you may contact our principal, Lori Shepard, for a personalized information and a tour. She may be contacted at [email protected].