From Our Pastor: The Most Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Merry Christmas to everyone! Remember, Christmas Day is just the beginning of Christmas and the Christmas Season. We cannot lose sight of this, and we must continue the Christmas celebration. Keep your tree and your lights up, at least until the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, this year on January 9, 2022. Keep wishing people a Merry Christmas. Do not stop celebrating and enjoying the Christmas season. Have Christmas parties! So again, Merry Christmas!
As we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family during this Christmas Season, let the Holy Family be a model for us to follow. May the Holy Family inspire us to make Christ the center of our families. Pray with your families before meals, always. Pray with your families every day, even if just briefly. Get your family involved in the parish community. Teach them to volunteer. Make sure Mass is always the biggest priority in your family life, whether here or traveling. This needs to be not just what we do, but who we are. We must be a holy family, which, yes, is possible in this world. You and your family can be holy, and, no, that doesn’t mean boring. We should be a people of joy and excitement, but with Christ at the center. Many write JMJ on their letters, and school papers, notes, etc. which means Jesus Mary Joseph. This is a great practice to use and teach your children. After Mass today, or next time you’re in church, check out our statue of the Holy Family behind the handicapped section of seating near the organ. It is a beautiful image, Joseph kneeling in adoration, Mary with the Christ child standing on her knee giving us a priestly blessing. May the Holy Family bless your family this Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
-Rev. Steven Arisman