From Our Pastor: Pentecost Sunday
This weekend is Pentecost, the gifting of the Holy Spirit. We so often think about a relationship with the Father or the Son, but so often we don't consider the relationship we are called to have with the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person that one can be in relationship with. A relationship with the Holy Spirit is immensely life changing. I think we just don't consider it or don't know how to begin. The Holy Spirit is what transforms and changes you and me in baptism and bread and wine in the Mass. The Holy Spirit can move and shape and form and reform and make us new. The power of the Holy Spirit is immense. Just think of the concept of being "inspired" to do something. That "inspiration" means an indwelling of the Spirit. We are given creativity and life and new life through the power of the Spirit. Think about the apostles. They are hiding in fear in the Upper Room and Jesus breathes on them and gives them the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit floods in like a rushing wind when they are hiding for fear in the Upper Room. After the gift of the Holy Spirit, the apostles leave the room in fear and head into the world courageously. What changed that made them no longer afraid, especially of death? The Holy Spirit changed them. They each marched off to a martyr's death courageously by the power of the Spirit, except John who died a natural death at an old age, but not without trying. They attempted to martyr John multiple times and never could succeed. The Holy Spirit truly is a remarkable gift of transformation. The Holy Spirit comes to us in the sacraments and dwells in us, especially in baptism and confirmation and holy orders. Those indelible (everlasting) marks come through the indwelling and the power and transformation by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to us in prayer and sacramentals. The Holy Spirit is the friend for the journey! He is the advocate that gives us the words to say to preach Christ to the world boldly and courageously. Allow yourself to come into relationship with the person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. It will truly change your life!
This week we will not have daily Masses at all. With the three of us going on retreat with the priests of the diocese and no one being available to cover Masses, we will not have daily Masses. The originally scheduled Mass Intentions will be rescheduled. I know that this is hard, but with fewer priests the realization of not having people to cover is very real. Pray for more priests. I am sorry for this inconvenience. If plans change and I find a priest, I will let you know in the announcements of Mass, the parish Facebook page, the website, but most of all through a blast announcement on the parish app. Please download that app ASAP if you haven't as it is a great way to communicate last minute changes and information quickly. The deacons will lead communion services M-F at 6:30 a.m., but nothing at 5:30 p.m. Know we will be praying for you, and please pray for all of us on retreat.
One last piece of amazing news... We have a new principal. This week we hired one of our very own teachers, from first grade to the position of principal, Mrs. Julie Radel. Mrs. Radel comes with a great deal of experience and passion and great ideas! She will be an amazing asset to St. Francis School and our children. Thank you to the interview committee for their time and input. I am very excited for her yes to the Spirit who moved in her to accept the challenge of leading us forward! Led by the Holy Spirit we will move forward together where the Spirit leads us through the yes of Mrs. Radel. Pray for her as she steps into this most important position! How exciting!
-Rev. Steven Arisman