From Our Pastor: Learn From Salvation History
This weekend's readings call us to learn from salvation history. The story of the book of Exodus is that the Israelites grumbled against God, after they witnessed His wonders, and wanted to return back to slavery in Egypt because it was at least something they were used to, something that may not have been comfortable, but it was comforting that it was familiar. We have the same mentalities so often in following the Lord and seeing the vision of where He is leading us and how He is calling us out of our comfort and into holiness.
Pope Benedict XVI said so poignantly, "The world offers you comfort. But you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness." I would then continue, that greatness is holiness! Holiness doesn't mean boring, but sadly we are often afraid of that. Holiness doesn't mean easy either. Holiness calls us out of our own ways and into God's ways. This is the story of Exodus.
As the Lord continues to change you and your heart and calls you out of your sins, DO NOT LOOK BACK! It is so easy to fall into what is familiar, even if famliar is not actually comfortable. Jesus calls us to see the signs and wonders the Lord has worked in the Old Testament, to see the signs and wonders He has worked in the New Testament, and to see the signs and wonders He works in your midst in the Church and in your lives.
Stop disbelieving and believe! He is the true bread! "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and who ever believes in me will never thirst!" Let us open our eyes to the Lord Jesus the Bread of Life and come to Him and believe in Him that we may hunger only then for Him and Thirst only for holiness. Do not look back!
On a side note...There are several construction projects going on. We finished the west lot. Working on the construction of the street between the Church and School. Thank you for being patient with these projects. There will be a crack sealing and resealing the lot next to the school and restriping as well soon! I hope that this is done in a timely manner to not effect parking but thank you for your patience while these projects effect your parking!
It is exciting to see the awesome life and looking to growth and expansion! As we look to these projects needing to be done before the school year begins, we didn't have an opportunity to bring in the funds before spending them. Please support these projects financially. We need to pay them off. We all want parking, we all want to take care of our teachers, we all want to better our school campus, and we all want our students safer! This all takes your support to pay for these endeavors! Thank you for your patience and support! Help us continue to grow!