Crazy Quarters Event Sponsored by St. Francis PTO
Save the Date - Friday, August 20
We are requesting parishioners to donate new items and gift cards that we can use as bid items. We will accept cash/checks which we can use to purchase items. Homemade items are also accepted.
We need MANY volunteers to make this event a success. This is a great opportunity to complete some of your community service hours (8th graders and above and adults). At this time, you can place your name on the volunteer list by calling Stacey Disselhorst at 217-316-6682.
We are requesting parishioner VENDORS to contact Diane Andrew at 217-430-7153 if you are interested in reserving a table. Cost of vendor reservation is one product item valued at $25 or higher to be auctioned at this event. Vendors are limited and filling up quickly. Non-parishioner vendors will be able to request a reservation beginning August 1 if space is still available
Reserve a Table in advance to guarantee a seat!!!! Table reservations can be made with Laura Lawrence at 217-242-0227 call or text.
Stay tuned for more information to come.