Catholicism: The Pivotal Players Group Study Begins November 19
Catholicism: The Pivotal Players
St. Augustine and St. Benedict
This is a multi-part series that illuminates a handful of saints, artists, mystics, and scholars who not only shapes the life of the Church, but cahnged the course of western civilization. This short study focusts on two incredible saints from the foruth and fifth centuries: St. Augstine of Hippo and St. Benedict of Nursia.
St. Augustine, the teacher, is possibly the best example of how faith in Christ changed a person. St. Benedict, the Monk, contributed more to saving western Christian culture than anywone else.
Join Bishop Robert Barron as he traces the lives and contributions of these two “pivotal” saints.
- St. Augustine: November 19 and December 3
- St. Benedict: December 10 and 17
All meeting dates are in the South Solanus Hall from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
To Regsiter, Call John Venegoni at 224-6497
Study Guides are $20 and are avaialbe in the Parish Office.